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Wacky Photog For Hire! Any Event...
0126506551 - Prebetsabu

Thursday, January 8, 2009

last november when we were in Bali, we bought this chess set..
actually i forgot that i bought this set.. luckily Masviona reminds me..
so there u go.. another collection in my shiwcase rack!

*its been quite sometimes since i last played chess


uncledon said...

brp rege chess tu bro?..

prebetsabu said...

i bought it from some hawker at gunung berapi for about 80k rupiah. its abut rm28 that time..

Masviona said...

pembetulan rasanya prebetsabu terlupa kot yg dia pkai RM beli itu chess...rm50 ke rm60 gitu ler...b lupa ke wat² lupa nih???ahaksss...ada peristiwa disebalik criter nih