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Wacky Photog For Hire! Any Event...
0126506551 - Prebetsabu

Monday, January 5, 2009

Bang boomm..

We suddenly realise..
off all the things in this world, finally we know that our little doter, avin nurdamia are afraid of fireworks !


GC said...


it's not easy to capture fireworks

prebetsabu said...

well, its actually not so hard to capture fireworks...

-set shutter to a slower rate.. y? bcoz its dark
-set higher iso.. 800 to 1600 is recommended.. higher will result more noise.. y? again, its dark at night.
-set smaller aperture (big f number).. y? bcoz u want to set the entire frame to be in focus. range from f8 to f16 depends on ur shooting location etc etc
-never use flash.. of coz la.. kan
-use tripod if possible.. y?bcoz u r using longer delay shutter speed.. small vibration is disasterous.. haha
- if cant use tripod, hold n pause urself thru the whole shutter process... i did actually squat to take those pic.. ahah..