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Wacky Photog For Hire! Any Event...
0126506551 - Prebetsabu

Monday, January 12, 2009

The Puteri Kayangan - FINALLY

Ok guys, like i mentioned before wth all the gimmick n so, so finally the Puteri Kayangan photoshoot were all done..

its actually a photoshoot with my own family as to build my own photography profile as im practicing my shooting skills and planning to make my passion as an income!! hahaha..

critics and comments are welcome!!

theres actually about 400 pics all together..
but ive randomly select a few and uploaded it in my fotopages site..
di visit there to find more of my work.. thanks

Visualise The Unseen - http://prebetsabu.fotopages.com/


GC said...

nice arragement la bro, like it very much.

first set is really nice