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Wacky Photog For Hire! Any Event...
0126506551 - Prebetsabu

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Happy Birthday Yaeeshh !!!


last Saturday, we were invited to attend a very "super herotic" birthday bash !!!
a friend of us (and she's a blogger tooo.. visit her here) were organizing a birthday party for her son, yaesh with Super hero theme!

i took at least 120pcs of photos while we were there..
and i couldn't pick some because to me, all of the moments captured were full of laughter, love and joy..

so here u are..
a parade of pictures of mummyaeesh birthday bash!

enjoy these very long parade of pics !!!


attyfir said...

permisi ye..nak cilok gambau..ekekke..nak 20sen..

CuTeMiUt78 said...

waalllaaaa..very nice lor...nampak kemeriahan dan enjoy..